Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Transformers 2...Cause The Plot Wasn't Dead Yet

Author's Note: The reason for my delay is laziness, so stop asking...ladies

Transformers was epic. So naturally in the greedy nature of the film industry, they gave CPR to the dead plot to pump out another action movie moneymaker. The resulting film was Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen. Or as I like to call it, Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen Actor...Shia LeBeouf.

Yes, we all know that he was in Transformers, Eagle Eye, the bad Indiana Jones, and Constantine (I liked all of those but one, I'll let the reader make the call). But no one remembers him in the role that brought him fame, Louis Stevens. Now admit it, if you're under 30, you watched Even Stevens, and loved it. Now, LeBeouf is acting in serious movies. What ever happened to the glory days? Well that's a whole nother discussion.

Anyway, Transformers has fallen into the Star Wars, Batman, Harry Potter category of no matter how good the movie is, you'll come out and say "it was good". Even if it is Prisoner of Azkaban or Episode II, the same response is "it was good". So that's what I think of Transformers 2, "it was good".

On a separate note, the Mom character should've been cut out of the movie completely. She wasn't funny, she just wasted my life. Michael Bay tried to add too many funny little jokes in the movie. NOTE TO MICHAEL BAY: I didn't pay 10$ to watch your movie for the jokes, I want to see explosions and robots. So cut the shenanigans and do work.

Bust Down the Door or Shut it Down?
Bust Down the Door...Hey, it's still worth watching

For the Movie Lovers

Friday, June 12, 2009

Raging Bull...Not Just My Other Nickname

Note from the Author- For those people who are well under the age of 50, you probably haven't seen Raging Bull, and if you have well that's impressive, and if you're a lady that's seen it, well that's even better (not like any ladies are on here anyway)...so hang in there and I'll do the best I can! -DLR (the author in case you didn't know)

I sat in American Humanities for 180 days (give or take) this past school year, learning tips to "active view" movies and find symbolism in every little thing from Platoon to Thundercats! (HOOOOOOO). As I watched Raging Bull, I realized that I still have no clue how to find symbolism. Especially without HERV! (I would normally do a link, but I'll spare Herv this time).

Raging Bull follows the life of Jack LaMotta (Robert De Niro), an Italian Boxer who's continuing marital problems and boxing victories make for a decently interesting movie. His right hand man is his brother Joey (Joe Pesci) who he often clashes with, but their relationship stays strong because of the family connection (unlike my brother if you read the "about me" section of the blog).

His main problems in life comes from the ladies (but in his defense, whose problems aren't from the ladies?). He divorces a number of times due to tension (the physical abuse doesn't help either). And this ultimatly causes his fighting to diminish, eventually losing the title belt (spoiler, but really, who's gonna watch this movie now? Especially with Harry Potter coming out on July 15th).

Raging Bull is considered one of the best sports movies of all time. I'd battle anyone who says this because ITS NOT A SPORTS MOVIE! It's a drama, that has some sports in it. That's my problem with all the lists of top movies. They care way too much about cinematography and all that stuff instead of actual entertainment value. That's why Harry Potter is awesome (yes, two Potter shout outs, but so what? He deserves it.)

Bust Down the Door or Shut It Down?
Shut It Down, then go wait in line with me for Harry Potter!

...For the Movie Lovers...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Taken...'Cause International Prostitution Rings Always End Poorly

As I layed in bed this morning like I always do, thinking of movies, the Magic Bullet infomercial and facebook chat, I realized that I had rented Taken from the library! So when my coach asked what movie to watch on the way to Des Moines for a double header, I stepped up and did work.

I had already seen Taken, so I knew the plot, but I think this is one of those movies that gets better watching again. I can sum up the plot very well for all those who don't know what Taken is about...Liam Neeson kills people for 90 minutes. Oh yeah there's some girl involved or something like that too.

Who can say no to nonstop action? It's like a PG-13 version of Rambo. But although I'm always game for some good fights, I can't get into the notion that Liam Neeson can actually kill anyone. Am I supposed to buy that Oskar Schindler is lighting people up with a machine gun? Forget about it!

And I'm calling this one right here, so come back and thank me in the future. The girl who played Amanda (Neeson's daughter) is gonna be a star. I was creeping on her IMDB page and learned that she's in a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street. So obviously the sky's the limit.

So in the end, Taken is a very good movie, I highly recommend it for all the males out there who want to vent some anger because they can't dance. But for the females reading this (mom) I would warn you that Taken is not an ideal movie for the ladies, especially if you plan on traveling to Europe alone and going to parties with creepy Frenchmen named Peter.

p.s. The song is still good you know it!

Bust Down The Door or Shut It Down?
bust down the door, then kill everyone

....for the movie lovers....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Up...For Those Who Want Children to Feel Depression

Once in a while, there's that one movie. That movie that adults and children love. Before entering the theater for Up, I was under the impression that this movie shatters minds by relating to kids and adults. Little did I know that I would be ready to cry after the fat kid threw his GPS out the window...and much much more

I didn't know that actually, I would be taken through an excruciatingly painful hour and a half of death, dogs flying off cliffs, birds being maimed, old men shooting at kids with shotguns, childhood dreams smashed, and the execution of a box of kittens (all of them happened except one, I'll let the viewer decide). Halfway through the movie, I was so depressed I needed to hug it out with someone, but the crowd at the mall didn't seem to eager, so I decided to hold it in (you win this time...ladies).

The reason I'm UPset (it's a pun) with this movie is because of how high it was built up. My father told me, "Yeah, (name protected for protection) from work was raving about how great it was!". I happen to respect this man, but now, I don't know what to believe. Maybe he's working for Pixar...

The worst part, was that being the movie guru I am, I knew that Pixar didn't have the stones to make this a sad story, and that eventually everything would work out and everyone would be fine. So when it finally got to the downfall, it took like five minutes and POOF! over...done...while the credits were rolling, it's like I had just blacked out.
On the plus side, there was a cameo by John Ratzenberger (the guy who voiced the Pig from Toy Story, the Underminer from The Incredibles and "Fish School" from Finding Nemo)

I love a good Disney movie as much as the next man, but clearly, I'm not watching Simba climb up Pride Rock or Aladdin setting the Jeanie free or even Max Keeble get back at the bullies.

But I blame myself, it's a good lesson movie goers, expectations can make or break a movie. And usually, it breaks them.

Bust Down the Door or Shut It Down?
Shut It Down (unless you like to cry)